Judy Howard

Judy Howard

Michael Ward & Jennifer Glock Literacy Institute Senior DirectorJudy Howard 375x375

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Judy Howard joined the READ USA team in July 2024 as the Senior Director of the Michael Ward & Jennifer Glock Literacy Institute, named in honor of the Michael Ward & Jennifer Glock Foundation’s unprecedented gift to READ USA.

Judy contributes her 30+ years of experience in Duval County Public Schools (DPCS) to comprehensively elevate the literacy skills of elementary students, teens, parents, and educators through the Michael Ward & Jennifer Glock Literacy Institute. She ensures that the Institute directly and proactively supports the implementation of READ USA’s Literacy Tutoring, Family Engagement, and Literacy Professional Development for Educators programs.

Specifically in her role, Judy leads READ USA’s family literacy workshops and literacy professional development for teachers that READ USA provides for parents, families, educators, reading coaches, paraprofessionals, and others throughout the year. All of these efforts are focused on elevating students’ literacy performance in the classroom and beyond, which includes empowering teachers and families with more effective resources, methods, and supports. She also proactively seeks opportunities to further embed READ USA’s proven, evidence-based practices into the community, all with the goal of ensuring that educators, parents, and students themselves have access to resources and knowledge to improve literacy.

During her 30+ years with DCPS, Judy has been a first- through fifth-grade teacher, a reading recovery teacher, school instructional coach, district literacy specialist, a behavior and reading interventionist, and she has held numerous leadership and administrative roles. She served twice as an assistant principal between 2017-2024, supporting the schools’ missions and visions to provide standards-based instruction through a system of data analysis and instructional planning for improvement. She also planned and facilitated targeted professional learning for teachers based on critical data points and individual professional development goals.

As an instructional leader, Judy has implemented coaching models with identified teachers in order to support instructional planning and pedagogical strategies to increase the effectiveness of instruction. She has also led initiatives to significantly impact the environment within and beyond the school community, leveraging the Positive Behavior and Support (PBIS) and Restorative Practice philosophies to identify and implement strategies to build a positive school culture.

Judy holds multiple national certifications, including certifications for School Principal, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Educational Leadership, Elementary Education, Exceptional Student Education, as well as her National Board Certification. She earned her undergraduate degree from Nova Southeastern University and her master’s in education from Grand Canyon University.