
Volunteers have an
enormous impact!

Volunteering with READ USA is a life-changing opportunity for the volunteer and the students we serve. From preparing books for students to choose to advancing our mission at events across Northeast Florida, there are a number of ways that volunteers can have an impact on children, teens, and families in our communities. 

The 2025 READ USA Book Fairs are Upon Us!

Volunteer at the READ USA Book Fairs

Taking place March 25 through May 9, the READ USA Book Fairs will take place at elementary schools across Duval County - and our volunteers are vital to their success. Sign up and learn more about being a Book Fair volunteer below. 
Be sure to note the information below about volunteering at Duval County Public Schools for this year. 
Sign Up to be a Book Fair Volunteer
How do I sign up?
New for the 2025 Book Fairs, any adult volunteering at a Duval County Public School (DCPS) is required to register and pass a Level I background check, which is provided for free on the DCPS website. Per DCPS, volunteer applications typically take between 5-10 business days to process, so please plan accordingly. 
You can check the status of your volunteer application here
Click the "Volunteer" button above or here  to view the schools, dates, and times for volunteer shifts. Once you find the date or school you'd like to volunteer, click on "Sign Up" next to the morning (7:30am to 12pm), afternoon (11am to 3:30pm), or all day (7:30am to 3:30pm) shift you prefer. Once you have signed up, you will be directed to register on the DCPS website if you have not already registered with DCPS. 
Vendors/contractors with a current badge and anyone who has already registered as a volunteer this school year do not have to register again!
Interested in being a Book Fair Lead Volunteer? Click here to submit the interest form.
What do volunteers do at the Book Fairs?
  • Help students pick out their two free books (and experience their glee at getting to choose what interests them!) 
  • Book labeling and bagging
  • Organizing books by age, genre, and other categories at the fair
  • Set-up and/or tear-down
  • On- and off-site support (Including administrative preparations, organizing fellow volunteers, etc. Please email books@readusainc.com if you're interested in administrative support.) 
You'll also receive a signature red READ USA apron to wear while volunteering. 
Is volunteer training required?
Yes, Book Fair volunteer training is required. Once you've signed up and completed DCPS registration and Level I background check, you will receive an email with date options for the required training. 
We can't wait to see you at an upcoming Book Fair! Thank you for supporting students and literacy in our community! 
Sign Up to be a Book Fair Volunteer